- EncoreSecond acts for the greater good
The Leader is an Encore career for us, and our guiding principles are closely aligned with that of the Encore movement - to tap the skills and experience of those in midlife and beyond to improve communities, business, society and the world.
Encore is spearheading efforts to engage millions of people in later life as a vital source of talent to benefit society. Their ultimate goal is to create a better future for young people and future generations.
We love Encore’s vision of viewing an ageing society as a solution, not a problem. Baby boomers are now seen as an extraordinary resource, encouraged to apply their experience to make a difference for others.
Encore highlights a new model combining elements of work, service, and social impact – an encore career. Some people do this as unpaid volunteers, or in roles in their communities or families. But for many, encore work can bring a new source of continued income.
Encore also lets you focus on what’s next rather than what’s last!
The Leader’s mission is to improve and strengthen leadership in Scotland and beyond. Led by two "modern elders" as baby boomers with decades of experience and skills, we are able to fly the Encore flag and share our knowledge and wisdom to help the next generation of leaders create a better future for themselves.
We give generously of our time to create and share free open-source practical learning resources, further demonstrating our commitment to the Encore movement.
“The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made. And the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination”.
John H Schaar

About The Leader
The Leader Scotland Ltd
Company No SC589889
Registered Address
An Claggan,
Argyll Rd Kilcreggan
Argyll Scotland
G84 0HU
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The Leader © 2024